How to Use HotNews in SAP Solution Manager


HotNews is one of the oldest and largest news sites in Romania. It covers current affairs, politics, finance, and general topics. Its content includes articles, interviews, opinion pieces, and video documentaries. You can learn about upcoming events and meet current leaders. The website is also available in English. HotNews has a large community of readers, which makes it an excellent resource for Romanian news.

HotNews is a free online news service. Subscribers can get breaking and general news updates. Its RSS feed and useful filtering options enable subscribers to subscribe to the topics that interest them. Moreover, subscribers can customize the frequency of delivery of HotNews to fit their schedule. They can also subscribe to a certain subject area, software component, or industry-related news.

HotNews is a valuable source of information for SAP professionals. However, it is difficult to filter through all of the topics and information. You can create a custom filter to display only the HotNews relevant to your chosen system, or simply move the relevant articles to a subtab. Using this method, you can quickly find the information that matters most.

Solution Manager connects to the SAP Service Marketplace and loads the list of current HotNews. It then allows users to postpone processing of a HotNews, write a note, or flag it as irrelevant. Once it is ready, the change request is moved to the appropriate subtab. If the process of processing HotNews is not completed on one day, the user can move it back to the list and resume later.

If you are an AUGI member, you can subscribe to HotNews by using your MY AUGI profile. You can choose to receive the newsletter once a month or more often. You can also set your frequency and customize the topics. By following these guidelines, HotNews will deliver a new edition every month to your inbox.

Although HotNews is controversial, it does have its uses. First, the concept of hot news was recognized by the Supreme Court in 1918. In this case, a competing wire service copied articles from an AP reporter in Europe without proper attribution. The Second Circuit rejected the plaintiff’s copyright claim in the court, but this decision has implications for publishing and technology.

HotNews is a popular Romanian news site that focuses on politics, finance, and current affairs. The website publishes opinion pieces, video documentaries, and interviews. HotNews has more than two million visitors a month, and its articles are updated frequently. HotNews is updated in Romanian, English, and Russian.

The SAP HotNews function accesses SAP Notes that are relevant to the issue you are solving. These notes are often security related and contain code corrections and instructions to update software components. They also contain CVE identifiers.